When Kaleden, B.C., resident, Lyle Roemer, went to build a new garage, he had the space wired for a future electric vehicle (EV) charger while also planning for an increase in service to accommodate the added load. However, Roemer was shocked to hear the estimated cost of the upgrade. [My] house is almost 40 years old, it’s got 100-amp service which is quite common for older houses, nowadays 200 amps is more normal. Because of the addition of the possible future load, it requires an upgrade to 200 amp for my main electrical service to the house,” Roemer said. They’re telling me anywhere from $5,000 to $7,000. They’re picking up probably 40 to 60 per cent of what they told me, but that gives you an idea that this push for [electric vehicles] is not quite as simple as it turns out.According to Roemer, the more than $5,000 cost is largely due to the older electrical infrastructure and the existing system in the subdivision as well as his location to the FortisBC transformer. When you put in that application, they send it to the electrician department and they came back and said because this was for the old subdivision, we have to upgrade some of the infrastructure,” Roemer said.
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