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Environmental group asks court to suspend work at Northvolt EV battery plant

Lawyers representing the Centre québécois du droit de l'environnement (CQDE) petitioned a Quebec Superior Court judge to halt the construction of an electric vehicle (EV) battery factory near Montreal. The CQDE argued that Saint-Basile-le-Grand lacked authority to approve the removal of wetland trees for the Northvolt plant and criticized the Quebec government's failure to protect affected ecosystems. Emphasizing the importance of public participation in large industrial projects, lawyer Marc Bishai stressed the need for democratic processes to be upheld. The legal challenge comes amidst praise from Quebec Premier François Legault and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for the factory's economic potential and its role in advancing Canadian EV battery production. However, Judge David Collier questioned the merits of CQDE's claims, with a decision expected later this week or early next. The case underscores the tension between economic development and environmental concerns in industrial projects.


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